Somerville Transportation Equity Partnership (STEP)

July 29, 2007

State gives status report on Green Line project

The Executive Office of Transportation (EOT) submitted a status report on the State Implementation Plan (SIP) transit commitments, including the Green Line extensions. The plan still includes both extensions (to Medford and to Union Square) opening by the end of 2014. Unfortunately, the report describes the Union Square branch as following the Fitchburg rail line, rather than exploring the possibility of the Green Line coming into the heart of the square. It lists tentative station locations that still reflect the EENF. (To view other possible stop locations, view STEP's map.)

The status report points out that the project has been included in all relevant transportation planning documents, including the MBTA Program for Mass Transportation and the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP). In late summer, EOT will select the consultant to create the Draft and Final Environmental Impact Reports. The Draft report (DEIR) will be completed within 18 months after that. Other milestones appear in the report.

Importantly, the document also says that the EOT anticipates the next Bond Bill filed by the Patrick administation will authorize funding to meet the needs of these projects.

The State will hold a public hearing on this topic on Sept 6. Come and be heard!

View the EOT's status report.