November 18, 2009

Green Line DEIR public hearing

Wednesday, Nov 18, 6 pm
Somerville High School – Auditorium
81 Highland Ave (map)

The state Executive Office of Transportation will present findings and recommendations from the Draft Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Assessment (DEIR/EA) for the Green Line Extension project at this Public Hearing.

Members of the public, agency representatives, and other project stakeholders are invited to attend the hearing and to make comments on the project.

Public comments on the DEIR/EA should be made to the Secretary of Energy and Environmental Affairs, through the Commonwealth’s MEPA process. The federal government conducts its own review of the document to ensure adequacy of the document under the federal National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process, and accepts public comment to the NEPA process in two ways: First, the comments made at the November 18 Public Hearing will be included in a transcript that will be submitted to the Federal Transit Administration (FTA).

Second, EOT will compile the comment letters submitted to through the MEPA process, along with responses to these comments, and provide them to FTA after the completion of the comment period.

All written comments must be submitted to:
Secretary Ian Bowles
Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs
MEPA Office
Attn: Holly Johnson, MEPA Analyst
EEA #13886
100 Cambridge Street, Suite 900
Boston, MA 02114
Fax: 617-626-1181