November 07, 2009

Green Line DEIR community meeting

Saturday, Nov 7, 9:30-12:30 pm
VNA Assisted Living Facility (Community Room)
259 Lowell St (map)

STEP is holding a meeting this Saturday for Somerville, Medford an Cambridge residents who want to learn about and share their questions about what is included or omitted from the Draft Environmental Impact Report for the Green Line Extension. The public hearing on the DEIR is scheduled for Wednesday, November 18, 2009 at 6 PM at Somerville High School Auditorium.

We encourage you to join us and forward this message to invite your friends and colleagues. The DEIR is a very large report. What is in it and the issues that the public raise about what is included will determine decisions that will be made for the planning, design, land use decisions and construction of the Green Line Extension.

Please reply to to let us know if you will attend.

- To provide information to help concerned Somerville, Medford and Cambridge residents for the DEIR Hearing and preparation of comments
- To listen to concerns and questions from Somerville, Medford and Cambridge residents and businesses about next steps for the Green Line and the DEIR process
- To brainstorm best approaches for public involvement in next phases of project and how to convey this in the DEIR comments

Meeting Agenda

Overview presentation (30 minutes)
• Introduction DEIR Process
• Green Line project
• Green Line DEIR Details
Brainstorming (30 minutes)
• Questions, priorities, concerns, ideas
Station Areas & Design (30 minutes)
• Case studies – Lechmere & Route 16 community redesign
• Mitigation issues
• Maintenance Facility Alternatives
• Environmental impacts
Group breakout sessions (40 minutes)
• Detailed discussions by topic
Next steps, Wrap Up (10 Minutes)

Coffee and Refreshments provided