“Column: GLX an investment for all of us” (Somerville Journal)
“The GLX is more than a ride to work; it is the way forward for our region. Collectively, our communities, Cambridge, Medford, and Somerville stand to gain millions, if not billions, in economic benefit. The GLX would provide transit for tens of thousands of people. It would take cars off the road, helping the environment and mitigating our insufferable traffic. The GLX would help address the housing crisis by putting beautiful homes and neighborhoods within reach of the T.”
“Editorial: Preserving Somerville’ s health, physical and mental” (Somerville Journal)
“The health of Somerville residents is frequently a low priority for people in power. The most infamous example of this is the construction of I-93 through Ten Hills, East Somerville and Assembly Square, dividing the city and spewing untold amounts of exhaust into residents’ lungs, increasing health risks and lowering life expectancy. That’s part of what the Green Line Extension is intended to remedy, and unfortunately state officials are looking to reduce the GLX or even cut it entirely.”