Greater Boston’s next potential economic hot spot hangs in the balance

  • Post category:Green Line

“Will the State Give the Green Light to the Green Line Extension?” (BostInno)

“The extension will power a new wave of economic growth in the area.  According to local and state officials, the Green Line project is expected to spur roughly $4 billion in private investment in our economy, creating 30,000 construction jobs and 30,000 permanent jobs.

With the upcoming decision by the Transportation Department and the MBTA, the state will be facing a high stakes crossroads.  Officials at both agencies certainly have an obligation to make sure the Green Line Extension costs are reined in; that they don’t become a mini-Big Dig for taxpayers.  However, assuming those expenses can be brought under control, we should keep making this investment.  Failure to do so will result in paying a far higher price down the road – in lost jobs, lost growth, and a lost foothold in the global competition for innovation jobs.”