Noise, Path, trees, and more concerns at Green Line meeting

  • Post category:Green Line

“Somerville wants open bridges, less noise, and more trees from GLX team” (Somerville Journal)

Though many residents attended the Nov. 19 meeting to learn about the progressing work, many shared concerns about construction noise, loss of trees, and community path design.

Concerned resident Wig Zamore noted thousands of trees were cut down due to the GLX and high school projects, and felling just 10 mature trees can trigger an action with the Massachusetts Environment Policy Act, should citizens choose to file it and start the process.

Cherry Street resident Allen Moore is invested in the community path: he is a member of the Somerville Bike Committee and is co-president of the Friends of the Community Path.

“We have given a lot of suggestions to the state on widening this path,” he said. “We understand no one wants to delay the project, including us, but there are some small changes — without changing the structure or retaining walls, etc. — which we’ve requested, and have not been adopted, so I’d like to know why they can’t be done.”

“Buses will be back for 11 months at Lechmere as green line extension T project rolls onward” (Cambridge Day)

Before a relocated Lechmere light rail station opens in December 2021, residents can expect 11 months of bus service to replace trains starting in May, state transportation officials say.