Union Square Green Line options down to three

  • Post category:Green Line

Union Square Option
The State and consultant VHB have narrowed the Union Square options down to three:
1. Fitchburg alignment: The Green Line follows the existing commuter rail right-of-way, with the station south of Union Square along Prospect St. STEP believes this option will not effectively serve the community or economic development compared with other options.
2. In-street trolley on Somerville Ave: The Green Line runs in the street on Somerville Ave to a platform in the heart of the square near the SCAT building.
3. Somerville Ave / Fitchburg line loop: The Green Line runs in a one-way loop to the Square along Somerville Ave, then south along Prospect St, then back to Lechmere along the Fitchburg line.
View maps of these options on the official project site.