State announces support for Green Line terminus at Route 16!

  • Post category:Green Line

Transportation Secretary James Aloisi, Jr. today recommended the Green Line be extended to Mystic Valley Parkway/Route 16. This is terrific news for Somerville, Medford, and Arlington because it means better public transit service for thousands of people. The Route 16 recommendation does depend on federal funding, however. Construction is still promised by the end of 2014. Read the state’s press release.
Green Line map
“Extending the Green Line terminus to Mystic Valley Parkway will bring rapid transit service to East Cambridge, Somerville and Medford neighborhoods that have waited a long time for rail transit,” said Aloisi. “The Green Line Extension will advance community plans for smart growth and urban redevelopment and provide environmental justice communities with faster rides to jobs and destinations. EOT is very pleased to advance this project and we will continue to work with local officials to make it very successful.”
Next steps include the creation of the Draft Environmental Impact Report. There are still debates over the locations of the maintenance facility and the Union Square stop.
Media coverage:
WBZ: “Green Line Extension Gets Green Light”
Boston Globe: “State wants to extend Green Line to Mystic River”
Boston Herald: “State transportation dept. OKs Green Line add”