Mayor Curtatone statement – and Green Line petition

  • Post category:Green Line

Message from Mayor Curtatone:
In light of yesterday’s announcement about the Green Line, I want to be clear about where we stand as a community. A four-year delay of the Green Line Extension bereft of any tangible commitments from the Commonwealth is simply unacceptable. Somerville deserves a transparent, accurate timeline for the Green Line Extension, with clear deliverables. Fundamental matters of social justice, economic justice and environmental justice are at stake in this project. Governor Patrick promised to extend rail transit to the most densely populated community in New England and he needs to break ground while he is still Governor. The State must do better than declare it is going to miss the legally mandated 2014 deadline for the extension with vague promises that it is still “behind” the project.

I plan on meeting with the Governor to help restore sanity and accountability to this process. Residents and business owners in Somerville, Cambridge and Medford need to inundate the Governor, their state representatives, MassDOT and the MBTA with letters, calls and emails demanding a definitive plan for the Green Line Extension be adopted. This is a clear case of the people needing to remind the government of its responsibilities.
Voice Your Opinion:
Sign the City’s Petition: and add your own comments
Contact Gov. Patrick:
Phone: 617-725-4005
Address: Massachusetts State House, Office of the Governor, Office of the Lt. Governor, Room 280, Boston, MA 02133
Twitter handle: @MassGovernor
Contact the MBTA:
Ombudsman: 617-973-7777
Customer Comment Form:
Contact MassDot:
Phone: 617-973-7000
Address: Massachusetts Dept. of Transportation, 10 Park Plaza, Suite 3170, Boston, MA 02116
Email Your State Representatives: