“ABC’s Perspective: Green Line Extension”
“The bottom line, though, is that this project must proceed. It is critical for the region’s economy and has the potential to significantly reduce travel times (by as much as 75%) in the area. Moreover, the project will ensure that over 70% of residents in the area are within walking distance of a transit station, up from less than 20% today. If this project is put back on the shelf, we also risk sending a horrible signal to the federal government regarding future funding opportunities. This project leverages significant New Starts funding, and those resources are not something we can afford to throw away. The Commonwealth, working with all partners who have a stake in this project, needs to do what it can to reduce the project costs. However, we then must identify funding to cover the remaining gap to move forward with this critical transportation improvement.”
(A Better City is a nonprofit membership organization that provides the business and institutional leadership essential for ensuring progress and tangible results on transportation, land development, and public realm infrastructure investments.)