Green Line analysis continues, more delays likely

Transportation Secretary Stephanie Pollack presented an update on the Green Line extension to the state transportation board today, and the news was decidedly mixed. The MBTA has hired four firms to help explore how the estimates have skyrocketed and, importantly, what to do next. But all of this work will likely translate into more delays. Some upcoming major phases of construction won't…

Continue ReadingGreen Line analysis continues, more delays likely on Green Line station designs

"Advocates see station design as a Green Line extension compromise" 'If you can do everything else, we can live with the fact that the stations weren't originally as we envisioned," said Rafael Mares, a vice president at the Conservation Law Foundation, which sued the state last decade to force the Green Line extension to move forward. Mares said that's not ideal…

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Another perspective on why the Green Line procurement method was a mistake

Pioneer Institute: "MBTA Experiment Gone Wrong! The Green Line Extension Contract" "The first and most obvious issue with the use of the CM/GC procurement method for the Green Line Extension is that a guaranteed price was not included as a component of the bidding process.  White Skanska Kiewit (WSK) was awarded the CM/GC contract before the design had been completed.  This…

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Gov. Baker supports Green Line, but not at this price tag

WGBH: "Governor Baker On Green Line Extension: 'There's Something That's Not Right Here'" "I am a supporter of this project. I am not a supporter of it if it's going to cost 3 billion dollars....I think a lot of people in Massachusetts would question whether or not, in fact, we should spend $3 billion on four miles. It's not even below…

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A Better City supports the Green Line extension

"ABC's Perspective: Green Line Extension" "The bottom line, though, is that this project must proceed. It is critical for the region's economy and has the potential to significantly reduce travel times (by as much as 75%) in the area. Moreover, the project will ensure that over 70% of residents in the area are within walking distance of a transit station, up…

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Boston Globe on the problematic Green Line process

"Process blamed for Green Line project's soaring cost" "Officials say the T will seek an outside audit to discover why the estimates have gone up so quickly. But critics say they have the answer: a contracting process that allows the company that's building the Green Line to name a maximum price at each stage of construction, instead of agreeing to a…

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Transportation board urged to move forward with Green Line

Boston Globe: "Green Line extension supporters urge state not to drop project" "Supporters of the long-anticipated project to extend the Green Line into Somerville and Medford urged the state transportation board Wednesday to seek new contractors for portions of the job to cut the cost, even if it causes more delays." Boston Herald: "Green Line expansion backers urge revival" "The Green…

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Why is the Green Line estimate so much higher than other projects around the country?

Check out this comparison by Ari Ofsevit of the costs of various transit expansion projects around the country. When you look at the overall cost per mile, the Green Line extension looks irrationally high. Important note: Every project is unique, so it's very difficult to compare these kinds of costs apples to apples. But it's worth a look. In addition, read…

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Add your voice to the chorus demanding the Green Line!

If you believe the Green Line extension is important to Somerville's future, this is the time to send your comments to Mass DOT and the FCMB. Send emails to and by this Wednesday, Sept 9, for maximum impact. Also note that both the Sept 9 Mass DOT and FMCB meetings will have an extended time period for public comments. Make sure…

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The entire Green Line extension must be built. Here’s STEP’s position on how to move forward.

The Green Line extension will be built. It must be built. Not only because it's a legal commitment as part of the Big Dig and Clean Air Act, but because it is a critical regional transportation project that will increase transit accessibility, reduce travel time, improve air quality, and promote significant economic development and employment. The benefits have been proven again and…

Continue ReadingThe entire Green Line extension must be built. Here’s STEP’s position on how to move forward.