Green Line FEIR letters

Thanks to all who wrote letters to MassDOT about the FEIR. The State received over 400 letters! View all letters or download some notable letters here: State Rep. Carl Sciortino State Rep. Denise Provost Friends of the Community Path Somerville Chamber of Commerce Conservation Law Foundation Sierra Club (Mass. chapter) Ellin Reisner, President, STEP Wig Zamore, STEP Ken Krause, MGNA

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Green Line preliminary engineering and design contract: $24.5 million

Boston Globe: $1b extension passes key milestone" At the Aug. 11 meeting of MassDOT's board of directors, Mullan and the project team will seek approval for a $24.5 million contract to cover the preliminary engineering and design of the route, stations, and a related maintenance facility. That preliminary work will allow the state to seek one bid for combined design-build, meaning…

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Green Line FEIR accepted, Preliminary Engineering phase begins

The Secretary of Energy & Environmental Affairs has accepted the Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) and issued a Certificate to guide the next phases of the project. This means that the Preliminary Engineering phase can now officially begin, where work will continue on station designs with community involvement. Download the certificate (PDF). Here are some highlights from the Certificate: "MassDOT should…

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FEIR comments are due Friday the 23rd

Got an opinion about Green Line station locations, the maintenance facility, the Community Path, or noise and vibration? The State wants your feedback on the Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR). Read about the FEIR and see STEP's talking points. Then send written comments by 5 pm July 23 to: Ian Bowles, Secretary Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs MEPA Office,…

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East Arlington letter supporting Route 16 stop and Path

Dear Secretary Bowles:
The East Arlington Livable Streets (EALS) Coalition is a neighborhood-based advocacy organization founded in 2008. EALS has over 170 supporters on our e-mail list, over 400 fans on our Facebook page and we aspire to become the neighborhood’s voice on transportation and livability-related issues. Residents throughout East Arlington have been strong supporters of the Green Line Extension (GLX) project through Somerville.


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