SIP status report published

The Annual Report on the SIP projects has been posted online. MassDOT will be filing an “Interim Emission Offset Project” to mitigate for missing the Green Line completion deadline (as well as one for missing the Dec. 31, 2011 deadline for the Fairmount Line improvements). Keep reading for what this report says about the Green Line extension.


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Community Path funding letter

As many STEP readers know, the main section of the Community Path extension from Lowell St. to Washington St/Brickbottom/Inner Belt must be designed and built with the Green Line Extension (GLX) because the Path has a shared infrastructure with the GLX. To date, MassDOT has committed to design the Path along the GLX to Inner Belt but not to include funding for the Path as part of the GLX Federal New Starts application or to apply for other federal funding that would require a State match (even if the match is 80% federal and 20% state).
The Friends of the Community Path, STEP and other advocates for active transportation in the region believe strongly that this approach is “penny-wise and pound-foolish” considering that the additional infrastructure needed for the Path represents only about 2% of the GLX cost – a figure well within the uncertainty of the costs. The Path is not just a nice amenity for Somerville, it will provide the most cost-effective way to increase Green Line ridership and will be a critical regional transportation link that will offer great transportation, safety, environmental, health, noise-reduction, and benefits to Somerville and to the region.


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Green Line extension delayed again!

The State is finally admitting what STEP has long feared: It will be unable to meet the 2014 deadline for the Green Line extension opening. The State is now aiming for October 2015, claiming a variety of reasons for the delay. STEP is very disappointed to hear that the State will not keep its commitment. Boston Globe: "Long-awaited Green Line extension…

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More coverage of Green Line FEIR hearing

Somerville Journal: "Green Line gripes: Train stops short of Medford" Last Wednesday evening, as the project manager moderated a public hearing about the Final Environmental Impact Report at Somerville High School, the Option L site for the facility was one of three common complaints raised by local politicians and others. The other two complaints were the state's decision not to continue…

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STEP’s key points for the Green Line FEIR meeting tomorrow

This is your chance to give the State your feedback on the Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR), covering issues such as station locations, the maintenance facility, the Community Path, noise and vibration, and the community involvement process as the Green Line moves into full design and build. Or just show up and give moral support! Meeting details.
Here is a summary of STEP’s perspective on the FEIR.

  • Design all stations to provide maximum multi-modal functionality (ped, bike, bus, and kiss’n ride).
  • Require that station siting and design make pedestrian, bicycle and bus access easy, safe, and convenient.
  • Design and reconstruct the bridges requiring incorporate the best access to the proposed stations and to facilitate construction of the Community Path.
  • Support the East Cambridge Planning Team’s (ECPT) community and development friendly plans for redesigning Lechmere Square.
  • Support the ECPT’s efforts to improve pedestrian crossing at McGrath Highway.
  • Design Union Square Station to make possible a future extension to Porter Square.
  • Require that the design and siting of the Union Square Station allows for convenient bus connections to the Green Line as well as easy access for Union Square residents and business patrons, and for riders using the station from Inman Square neighborhoods.
  • Although not covered in the FEIR, a Route 16 station would be the best terminus for Green Line because it would serve Somerville, Medford, and East Arlington residents. It would promote economic development, would reduce vehicular traffic, and would provide convenient multi-modal accessibility.


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Somerville applying for federal funding for Community Path

Boston Globe: "Extending Community Path in works" Getting the federal money "Would be huge," said Michael Lambert, the city's director of transportation and infrastructure. "Right now the state is committed to bringing the path to full engineering but they don't have the money to build it." The path is already being lengthened from Cedar to Lowell streets as part of the…

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Boston Globe on College Ave terminus

"Latest plan has Green Line ending at College Avenue" A Final Environmental Impact Report submitted by the state Department of Transportation last week validates concerns submitted by residents that a proposed extension of the Green Line to the Mystic Valley Parkway/Route 16 in Medford will be delayed indefinitely because of lack of funds.

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