Your comments needed on the Green Line Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) by Friday

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Comment letters on the DEIR must be sent by Friday, January 8. Keep reading for details.
STEP urges strong and considerate support for the efforts of MassDOT to move the Green Line forward with the release of the Draft EIR. The state has committed over $1 billion to the Green Line Extension.
We support a continued “Green Light for the Green Line” AND proceeding with care.
We must “DO IT RIGHT” if this project is to sustainably serve the next three generations.
Somerville and its citizens applaud the release of the Green Line Extension DEIR and offer sincere thanks to MassDOT for committing to a Route 16 terminus, to full design of the Community Path, and to continued analysis of alternate locations for the maintenance and storage facility. The DEIR represents a critical milestone in the public evaluation process and allows for preliminary project engineering to begin. We appreciate the opportunity to comment on MassDOT’s work thus far. We encourage fellow residents, our neighbors and local business owners to submit written comments prior to January 8, 2010.


Continue ReadingYour comments needed on the Green Line Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) by Friday

State releases analysis of other Green Line support facility locations

Green Line Support Facility
In the DEIR, the State mentioned two alternatives to its long-standing preference for building the maintenance facility in Yard 8. Now MassDOT has published a more detailed analysis of the options called Mirror H and Option L. The document includes a preliminary assessment of operations, property acquisition needs, schedule implications, project cost implications, and potential environmental impacts.
Download the analysis (PDF) and make sure to come to the Dec 16 pubic hearing. Keep reading to view maps of the alternatives.


Continue ReadingState releases analysis of other Green Line support facility locations

STEP’s speaking points on the Green Line DEIR

STEP distributed these notes at the Nov 18 pubic hearing…
STEP urges strong and considerate support for the efforts of MassDOT to move the Green Line forward with the release of the Draft EIR. The state has committed over $1 billion to the Green Line Extension.
We support a continued “Green Light for the Green Line” AND proceeding with care.
We must “DO IT RIGHT” if this project is to sustainably serve the next three generations.
Somerville and its citizens applaud the release of the Green Line Extension DEIR and offer sincere thanks to MassDOT for committing to a Route 16 terminus, to full design of the Community Path, and to continued analysis of alternate locations for the maintenance and storage facility. The DEIR represents a critical milestone in the public evaluation process and allows for preliminary project engineering to begin. We appreciate the opportunity to comment on MassDOT’s work thus far. We encourage fellow residents, our neighbors and local business owners to submit written comments prior to January 8, 2010.


Continue ReadingSTEP’s speaking points on the Green Line DEIR