Somerville Journal: Green Line DEIR hearing

"Demands made at Somerville hearing for more comprehensive environmental plan for Green Line extension" Hundreds of people crowded the Somerville High School auditorium Wednesday night to be heard at the Green Line extension community meeting. “This DEIR is incomplete and a final environmental report should be completed,” said Lauren DiLorenzo, director of community development in the City of Medford. “A lot…

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STEP’s additional DEIR talking points

STEP generally agrees with the City of Somerville's concerns with the Green Line DEIR. We would also add the following points: - Design stations so as to not impede possible future extensions at Union Square and Mystic Valley Pkwy. - Add much more bike parking, especially at where demand is expected to be high (the termini plus Lowell St). - Ensure…

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City of Somerville’s talking points on Green Line DEIR

In advance of the public hearing today on the DEIR, the City released the following…
The City applauds the release of the Green Line Extension DEIR and offers its sincere thanks to MassDOT for committing to a Route 16 terminus, full design of the Community Path, and an analysis of alternate locations for the maintenance facility. The DEIR represents a critical phase in the public evaluation process and allows for preliminary engineering to begin. The City welcomes the opportunity to comment on MassDOT’s work thus far and strongly encourages its residents and business owners to offer written comment prior to January 8, 2010.


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Important Green Line public hearing! Voice your support and give feedback to the State

It is critical that the public turn out to express continued strong support for the Green Line Extensions this coming Wednesday evening at the 6 pm hearing at Somerville High School. Learn about the meeting or keep reading for more background info on the status of the Green Line and the DEIR.


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