Conservation Law Foundation supports Route 16 terminus

The following is a letter from Carrie Russell and Noah Chesnin of CLF…
We will pass up a major opportunity for cleaner air and regular transit service in neighborhoods in Medford, Somerville and Arlington if state officials don’t extend the Green Line to Route 16 in Medford Hillside. When the state makes a final decision on a Green Line terminus station, it should uphold the promise made to residents of these cities to reduce air pollution and extend public transportation by building the terminus station at Route 16 instead of stopping short at College Avenue.


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“Getting the Most From the Green Line” workshop

Yesterday, the city of Somerville conducted a workshop session at Build Boston, the Boston Society of Architects' annual convention and trade show. The workshop detailed the city's extensive efforts to try to maximize the benefits to be derived from the extension of MBTA Green Line service to Somerville. Somerville has been actively studying the possible implications of the Green Line from…

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Green Line Advisory Group meeting to be shown on SCAT

If you couldn't attend the Nov 12 meeting, you can watch it on SCAT this Sunday, Nov 23, at 8:00 pm. Highlights from the meeting: - The State has spent recent months studying options for the Green Line support facility, and still recommends the Yard 8 location. - The State provided ridership projections. - Two Union Square alignments remain in the…

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State continues to push for Yard 8 for support facility

Somerville News: "State won't budge on maintenance facility at Inner Belt" "Unless there is a great deal of equity interjected into the...disproportionate use of Somerville for maintenance and storage and other uses that don't produce revenue for the can you expect anyone to support this plan?" asked State Rep. Denise Provost.

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State releases analysis of Green Line support facility

The report presents the analysis that was utilized to determine the state's preferred site for locating a support facility for the Green Line extensions. It includes details about the project's requirements and a breakdown of how the State's consultant VHB evaluated the alternative sites, and ultimately recommends exactly the same option the State initially favored: Yard 8. (See STEP's interactive map.)…

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Silence, lack of public input when it comes to the Green Line extensions

Somerville News: "City silenced: No public process on Green Line, activist says" "The public process has been ridiculous," said Ellin Reisner, who sits on an advisory council set up by the Commonwealth's Executive Office of Transportation and is president of STEP. "There has been no public process so far."

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