Somerville Journal: Green Line meeting

Iliana Nilson“Residents: Bring us a Green Line”
About 600 people showed their support for the Green Line in Somerville Monday, but 8-year-old Iliana Nilson may have said it best. “I’ve lived in Somerville my whole life,” Nilson told an panel of state officials while she stood on a chair and leaned into a microphone. “I’d like the air in Somerville to be clean. Please build the Green Line.”


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Somerville speaks with one voice!

The Somerville High School Auditorium was packed tonight as over 600 residents gathered to demand that the State honor its commitment to extend the Green Line. The Executive Office of Transportation (EOT) and the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) once again tried to talk about a process to re-evaluate their commitments (like they did before). But the people of Somerville again let them know that we will accept no substitutes!
Keep reading for more details and photos.


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State Transportation Plan leaves out Green Line

PlanThe new 15-year plan from the Governor says that the State’s “air quality commitment stands and will be honored, but not necessarily through the three projects selected 15 years ago” – including the Green Line extension. The intent of the current review process, which may last through 2005, is to consider “more effective substitutes.” We must keep up the fight!
A Framework for Thinking – A Plan for Action


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