Green Line slides now available with new station sketches

  • Post category:Green Line


Download the slides from Wednesday’s public meeting. Included are the schedule for this reevaluation/reestimation process and the areas of focus for reducing scope:

  • Reduced Station Designs
  • Community Path Options
  • Summertime Rail/Street Closures
  • Reduced Vehicle Maintenance Facility Design
  • Lechmere Viaduct Redesign
  • Relocation of Proposed Gilman Traction Power Station
  • Raise Medford Street Bridge
  • Re-Evaluate Power / System / Substation Needs
  • Match Light Rail Transit Proposed Elevations w/ Existing Grades
  • Fitchburg – Eliminate WB Viaduct and Single Track to McGrath

You can also see early sketches of barebones stations.