More media coverage of Green Line delay

  • Post category:Green Line

Boston Globe: “Green Line extension put off until 2018”
Boston Globe: “Curtatone calls for petition, clear answers on Green Line”
“We’re going to be very direct about this: The Green Line is going to get built, and we can’t tolerate any more lack of communication or lack of transparency,” Mayor Curtatone said.
Somerville Journal: “Completion of Green Line extension pushed back to 2018-2020”
“To hear now that projections are into 2018 and 2020 is really, really demoralizing… We’re going to press the state to speed this up once again,” said state Rep. Tim Toomey, D-Cambridge. “We kept saying that this would happen in our lifetime, but judging by this extension it’s taking longer and longer.”
CommonWealth Magazine: “Green Line delay”
“Conservation Law Foundation staff attorney Rafael Mares said that by delaying the Green Line far past its stated 2014 completion date, the state is opening itself up to a citizens’ lawsuit under the Clean Air Act, and to a possible loss of federal highway funds.”