Add your voice to the chorus demanding the Green Line!

If you believe the Green Line extension is important to Somerville's future, this is the time to send your comments to Mass DOT and the FCMB. Send emails to and by this Wednesday, Sept 9, for maximum impact. Also note that both the Sept 9 Mass DOT and FMCB meetings will have an extended time period for public comments. Make sure…

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The entire Green Line extension must be built. Here’s STEP’s position on how to move forward.

The Green Line extension will be built. It must be built. Not only because it's a legal commitment as part of the Big Dig and Clean Air Act, but because it is a critical regional transportation project that will increase transit accessibility, reduce travel time, improve air quality, and promote significant economic development and employment. The benefits have been proven again and…

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Editorials and letters take on the Green Line extension and Community Path

Cambridge Chronicle: "Editorial: Moving forward with the Green Line Extension" "The benefits of a more connected metro area that encourages greater tourism and commerce, links employers and employees, creates more housing and reduces pollution are worth it. The Chicken Littles fearful of cost overruns, many of whom live outside the metro area, can't look beyond their own backyards. They shouldn't drive…

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WGBH: MBTA Board would like third party to review Green Line estimates

"MBTA Board Wants 3rd-Party Review Of Green Line Extension Cost Overruns" Board member Steven Poftak wants a neutral third-party authority to answer why construction costs rose so dramatically between January and May of this year and even if the current projections can be trusted. "What went wrong here and what changed so radically from the beginning to the end, I think,…

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Green Line extension roundup: Anxiety, anger, and hope

Boston Globe: "Tough choices on Green Line project, but it isn't derailed yet" "Even in the face of stomach-churning runaway costs, the governor is going to find a way to get the Green Line extension done. Greater Boston needs it - and he can't risk losing nearly $1 billion of federal money for the project." "The long, depressing history of…

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Support for the Green Line extension is spreading fast

Check out the following excellent editorials, the first of which is from former State Transportation Secretary James Aloisi. CommonWealth Magazine: "Stay the course on Green Line Ext." "Support for the Green Line Extension is support for a 21st century mobility platform, for cleaner air, for a more robust regional economy.  Those of us who support it need to join together to support…

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Green Line cost estimate suddenly jumps an insane amount; could project be in jeopardy?

MBTA officials announced yesterday that the Green Line Extension might need $700 million to $1 billion more, shocking many. Why the huge jump? Good question. This project was already costing a lot more per mile than similar transit expansions across the country. Some say the problem is that the State chose to go with a more unusual contract/construction method called Construction Manager/General Contractor (overview),…

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Boston MPO locks in federal Green Line funding

The Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization approved $1.4 billion in federal funds for the Green Line Extension! That's $1.27 billion for Phase 1, which is under construction to Union Square in Somerville and College Avenue in Medford (and includes the Community Path), and $158 million for Phase 2, which will extend service from College Avenue to Route 16. The reality of better…

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