State legislature puts forward “woefully inadequate” transportation funding plan

Boston Globe: "Mass. legislative leaders unveil $500m tax plan to shore up transportation system" The plan, while it represents a significant tax increase, falls far short of the $1.9 billion tax hike that Governor Deval Patrick has been seeking and would not fund the major expansion of rail and road projects that the governor wants. Kristina Egan, director of Transportation for…

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Green Line Phase 1 construction ramps up

Somerville News: "MBTA gets set to lay tracks" "Contractor Barletta Heavy Division will start work this month on the first phase of the long-awaited project....An important first step in the $1.3 billion mass transit project, Phase One takes care of two bridges and a building that stand in the way of plans to lay Green Line tracks alongside the existing commuter…

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Polls find voters open to revenues for transportation improvements

"Massachusetts voters see the potential benefits of raising additional revenue for transportation improvements and are open to several possible sources of revenue, according to a report on a series of polls and focus groups released today by MassINC and The MassINC Polling Group. Detailing how funds will be spent appears to boost that support, the research finds." Read more.

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Gov. Patrick files transportation bond bill, including Green Line Extension

The bond bill includes over $1.3 billion "for the purpose of implementing the Green Line Extension improvements; provided, that funds may be used for transportation planning, design, permitting and engineering, acquisition of interests in land, vehicle procurement, construction, construction of stations, and right-of-way acquisition." "Governor Patrick Files Transportation Bond Bill" Included: "$4.4 billion for regional rail projects identified in the…

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Abutters’ meeting on Phase 1 Green Line construction

Summary from our friends at Medford Green Line Neighborhood Alliance... Phase I of the project consists of three main elements: reconstruction of the rail bridges over Harvard Street in Medford and over Medford Street in Somerville to accommodate the eventual addition of two Green Line tracks alongside the existing commuter rail tracks, and the demolition of an MBTA building at 21…

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State Senator Pat Jehlen on transportation

Somerville Journal: "Transportation key to Somerville's future" "We now have a unique opportunity to restore our transportation system and we must not let it pass. With crumbling roads and bridges, severely outdated MBTA vehicles, and the specter of further cuts to transit service, addressing the transportation funding gap can't wait. When we invest in transportation, we invest in those things we…

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Green Line Extension status report

MassDOT's February status report for the Green Line Extension is out, and MGNA has written up a great summary: Phase I Construction The MBTA issued a Notice to Proceed to Barletta Heavy Construction on January 31, 2013. The contractor will be introduced to the local residents and businesses at a community meeting, which will scheduled for March or April. Read more...

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