Green Line Environmental Assessment released

MassDOT has published the Environmental Assessment (EA) and Section 4(f) Evaluation for the Green Line Extension project. This is part of the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) environmental review process as the state applies for federal New Starts funding. The public is invited to give feedback on the EA at the October 20 hearing. Download the EA: Executive Summary | Volume 1…

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City of Somerville statement on Green Line delay

At the MPO meeting, Tom Bent, who represents Somerville on the MPO, read the following statement:
This Long Range Transportation Plan is not in compliance with the State Implementation Plan (SIP). The current SIP clearly states that the GLX must be open and operating by Dec. 31, 2014. Somerville concedes that this is an improbability considering the complexity of this project and they are truly disappointed by this.


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Study on traffic pollution and heart attack risk

BBC News: "Car fumes 'raise heart attack risk for six-hour window'" Prof Jeremy Pearson, associate medical director at the British Heart Foundation, which co-funded the study, said: "This large-scale study shows conclusively that your risk of having a heart attack goes up temporarily, for around six hours, after breathing in higher levels of vehicle exhaust."

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WBUR story on Green Line delay

"Green Line Expansion Delays Sparks Frustration In Somerville, Medford Communities" WBUR ran a great story about community reaction to the proposed delay, including recent discussions about a potential phased approach to building the extension. Make sure to listen to the story. "The people of Somerville are not going to let go of this, we are committed to this." Ellin Reisner, president…

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STEP op-ed on Green Line

Somerville Journal: "STEP: Less talk, more commitment to complete Green Line Extension" "It is no surprise that the City of Somerville and Green Line Extension supporters from Somerville, Cambridge, Medford, and Arlington are furious about the latest delays announced by MassDOT."

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