Green Line in the 2012-15 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)

The TIP is the annual report of transportation improvement projects that are on the state's radar. In trying to explain the recently announced Green Line Extension delay, the TIP makes a few points: "MassDOT/MBTA is beginning the process of formally petitioning DEP on the delay and MassDOT/MBTA will be developing a list of potential interim reduction offset measures, to be informed…

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Boston Globe op-ed on Green Line delay

"For MBTA, 'nuance' means 'broke'" "The only real obstacle faced by the Green Line extension - conceived in 1991, and now scheduled to debut by 2020 - is the unwillingness of federal transit officials to pick up the tab for the expansion of a transit system that's going broke....The legally-mandated Green Line extension presents the state with a simple choice: Either…

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Coverage of Green Line petition

Boston Globe: "Over 1,000 sign Somerville petition protesting Green Line delay" "This is an embarrassment for the state and underscores its complete failure to address the chronic underfunding of transportation," wrote Alex Epstein, who was 123d to sign on to the petition. Somerville Patch: "Green Line Extension: City Seeks Petition Signatures, Expresses Frustration" "The problem with these delays is it's a…

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Mayor Curtatone statement – and Green Line petition

Message from Mayor Curtatone:
In light of yesterday’s announcement about the Green Line, I want to be clear about where we stand as a community. A four-year delay of the Green Line Extension bereft of any tangible commitments from the Commonwealth is simply unacceptable. Somerville deserves a transparent, accurate timeline for the Green Line Extension, with clear deliverables. Fundamental matters of social justice, economic justice and environmental justice are at stake in this project. Governor Patrick promised to extend rail transit to the most densely populated community in New England and he needs to break ground while he is still Governor. The State must do better than declare it is going to miss the legally mandated 2014 deadline for the extension with vague promises that it is still “behind” the project.


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More media coverage of Green Line delay

Boston Globe: "Green Line extension put off until 2018" Boston Globe: "Curtatone calls for petition, clear answers on Green Line" "We're going to be very direct about this: The Green Line is going to get built, and we can't tolerate any more lack of communication or lack of transparency," Mayor Curtatone said. Somerville Journal: "Completion of Green Line extension pushed back…

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