Somerville Patch: Report on 2nd Route 16 meeting

"Officials: Land Acquisitions for Second Phase of Green Line Extension Would Be Minimal" The second in a series of public meetings was held by he Metropolitan Area Planning Council and MassDOT Wednesday night on the Tufts campus. Officials reviewed a series of concerns regarding the potential second leg of the line extension project, including land acquisitions, traffic and quality of life.

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New proposed design for Brickbottom/Washington St station

Washington St station
The State has released a new design concept for the future Brickbottom/Washington Street Green Line station that was heavily influenced by public comments. A key improvement is that the station is now located along Washington Street.
There is still room for improvement:

  • There should be access to the station from the north side of Washington St. in addition to the south side, since most residents will come from the north side.
  • There should be a connection between the Community Path and the station as well as the street.
  • Bike storage should be closer and larger.

Keep reading for more diagrams of the station.


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