State’s press release on DEIR

"Somerville public hearing to be held on Green Line environmental impact report" “The Green Line Extension will offer major transportation and air quality benefits to Cambridge, Somerville and Medford, and will trigger smart growth opportunities in neighborhoods along the route,” said Transportation Secretary James A. Aloisi Jr. “This submittal represents a crucial milestone in the project, advancing not only the environmental…

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State releases Draft Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Assessment (DEIR/EA) for Green Line extension

The Executive Office of Transportation has finally posted this critical document, which is the culmination of 24 months of analysis and preliminary design and engineering for the project. The DEIR includes: - Project overview and background - Build alternatives - Affected environment issues, including land use, environmental justice, air quality, noise, vibration, wildlife, historic resources, and more - Mitigation commitments -…

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Green Line Draft Environmental Impact Report coming tomorrow

Letter from Green Line headquarters…
Dear Green Line Extension Friends –
We are writing to you with an update on the status of the Draft Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Assessment for the Green Line Extension project.
As many of you are aware, the Executive Office of Transportation has been working with our federal and state partners to prepare for the submission of a Draft Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Assessment (DEIR/EA) for the Green Line Extension project. As we explained in our last message, we anticipated that the DEIR/EA would be submitted in August, and we outlined the process that would accompany the submission. We are now expecting to file the DEIR/EA on October 15th, to be noticed in the Environmental Monitor of October 26. The submission will be followed by a 45-day public review period and a public hearing. Detailed information on the specifics of the DEIR/EA, public hearing, and public comment period will be available shortly.


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