Somerville Journal: Community Corridor Planning meeting

"Green Line extension plans excite neighbors worried about change" “We want to amplify community input with an organized community process so that when we give our input to the city, we have a stronger voice,” said Meredith Levy from the Somerville Community Corporation. “It's important for all of us to help plan for the future.”

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STEP partners with Tufts on study of highway health risks

Do "ultrafine particles" from combustion engines harm our health, especially for people living close to highways? Early research is already suggesting the answer is yes. STEP is proud to be participating in a local study of this issue, run by the Tufts Community Research Center. The CAFEH (Community Assessment of Freeway Exposure and Health) study, among the first of its kind…

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STEP’s Wig Zamore presents to EPA on transportation-related pollution

On April 2, Wig Zamore made a presentation to the EPA Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee on transportation-related air pollution. The slides provide specific data on local communities and existing studies of the relationship between highway pollutants and health problems. Download the study (PDF or PowerPoint).

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MBTA threatens drastic cuts unless financial help comes

Boston Globe: "MBTA plans for drastic cuts in bus, rail service" The MBTA would halt all evening and weekend commuter rail service, eliminate six Green Line stops, discontinue lightly used bus routes, and lay off 805 employees if the agency does not get legislative help with its $160 million deficit, according to a state document. Boston Globe: "Plan to cut T…

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STEP joins environmental groups calling for 29-cent gas tax increase

Massachusetts needs a safe, efficient, and environmentally sound transportation system. To achieve the transportation network we need, both reforms and new revenues are necessary. The undersigned organizations are united in support of a 29-cent gas tax increase as a centerpiece of a transportation reform and funding effort. Download the joint statement (PDF).

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