Next steps for the Green Line extension

Our friends at Medford Green Line Neighborhood Alliance (MGNA) wrote this excellent overview of what's happening in the coming months.... 1) The Executive Office of Transportation will hold two public meetings in mid- to late March. One will be in Medford and the other in Somerville. No new information will be presented here; instead, EOT will use the time to bring…

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State recommends Fitchburg alignment for Union Square and doesn’t budge on maintenance facility

At yesterday's Green Line Advisory meeting, the State announced that it supports the Union Square Green Line branch following the Fitchburg commuter line, with a station near the Prospect St bridge. Project Manager Steve Woelfel claimed the operational challenges of the loop configuration are too significant. This recommendation will certainly create challenges for ensuring easy pedestrian access to the station. The…

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State announces support for Green Line terminus at Route 16!

Transportation Secretary James Aloisi, Jr. today recommended the Green Line be extended to Mystic Valley Parkway/Route 16. This is terrific news for Somerville, Medford, and Arlington because it means better public transit service for thousands of people. The Route 16 recommendation does depend on federal funding, however. Construction is still promised by the end of 2014. Read the state's press release.…

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State admits “schedule-related concerns” on Green Line extension

The Executive Office of Transportation has released its responses to public comments on its July 1, 2008 Annual Status Report on the Green Line extension filed with the Mass. Department of Environmental Protection. Prefacing the responses was a section describing “Project Critical Path Issues” that EOT says have arisen since the submission of the Status Report. The report states, “While we…

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Boston Globe: Missed Green Line deadlines

"Many awaiting movement on Green Line extension" Commuters, residents, and environmentalists are all awaiting key decisions, including how far into Medford the Green Line trolleys eventually will go. The project is such a high priority that Governor Deval Patrick has pledged state money to finish it by the end of 2014, even if the Commonwealth loses its bid to get federal…

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