STEP meeting

Topics included presentations on air quality monitoring in Somerville and the new rail system in Charlotte, NC. Meeting notes (PDF)

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Green Line show on Arlington Cable

The show “The Public Square” features an in-depth conversation about an issue of interest to Arlington, and the following episode is about the Green Line extension. It includes interviews with some Arlington residents, Carrie Russell of the Conservation Law Foundation, and Steve Woelfel who manages the project at the Executive Office of Transportation. It concludes with a panel discussion of people…

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Report brings out more politician support for Green Line extension

At a press conference held at Lechmere, MassPIRG announced the findings of its new public transportation report which states that Massachusetts’ public transportation system reduces oil consumption and global warming emissions. Read more about the report.
BostonNOW: “Green Line extension gets boost”
Boston Metro: “T growth helps city go Green”
Somerville Journal: “Pols back report saying Green Line extension through Somerville will be better for environment, wallets”
“We’re done with highways,” Congressman Mike Capuano said. “Finally, we have a governor and an administration who get it.”


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Study on importance of land use and public transit

One study, coordinated by Smart Growth America and published by the Urban Land Institute, found that “Typically, Americans living in compact urban neighborhoods where cars are not the only transportation option drive a third fewer miles than those in automobile-oriented suburbs.” A separate study from the American Public Transit Association showed related findings. Read more about both.

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Green Line workshop maps

The official project website at now has a presentation with the maps of possible station locations used in the recent workshops (although Union Square maps are mysteriously missing). VHB (the consultant) will be working on these in the coming months based on resident feedback at the workshops. Download the presentation (PDF)

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