Union Square Green Line meeting comments, questions, and concerns

During the community meeting, many people asked questions, made comments, and brought up concerns as Green Line station planning begins. All these items were captured and many will be addressed on this site and in future meetings. Our intention is to answer questions that can be answered now, provide information about best practices that people are interested in seeing, supply information…

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Union Square Green Line station: the conversation begins!

Thanks to all who came to the community meeting on January 8, hosted by STEP and Union Square Main Streets. Wig Zamore gave a brief history of the Green Line extensions, Lee Auspitz shared the experience of Davis Square when it added a T stop (download case study [PDF]), Mimi Graney guided everyone through more detailed existing conditions in Union Square,…

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Rep. Sciortino on STIP disapproval and transportation bond bill

State Representative Carl Sciortino wrote a letter to Speaker DiMasi urging quick passage of Gov. Patrick's transportation bond bill, so that projects such as the Green Line extensions can move ahead. Many thanks for his specific efforts as well as the ongoing efforts of our other Representatives and Senators on Beacon Hill! Download the letter (PDF)

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Federal government slaps State on transit funding

The Federal Transit Administration and the Federal Highway Administration did not approve the 2008-11 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP - also known as SIP), a compilation of all of the projects expected to receive federal funding over the next four years. This means the State won't get federal funding for these projects until it can prove it has a way of…

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Somerville News: Gentrification concerns?

"This train could change your life" "The expected positive effects of the extension include significant improvements to the city's economy and environment. However, even some supporters of the extension say the new train stops could further the gentrification seen in the west side of the city, price out longtime residents and transform the city's diverse neighborhoods into havens for only the…

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Wig Zamore’s remarks to the EPA on Particulate Matter

STEP’s Wig Zamore spoke to the EPA’s Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee and Particulate Matter (PM) Panel last Friday, where the topic was the proposed EPA framework for the next national PM standard setting process.
Identification: My name is Wig Zamore. I speak as a concerned citizen and live in Somerville, Massachusetts where I work with two all volunteer community groups, the Mystic View Task Force and Somerville Transportation Equity Partnership. I also serve on regional land use and transportation planning committees, have presented to the Massachusetts Clean Air (SIP) Steering Committee and represent the City of Somerville on Mass DPH and FAA committees concerned with airport related emissions, health and noise impacts.
Major PM Review Concern: My overwhelming concern is consideration of the impacts of large regional transportation systems on adjacent neighborhoods’ health, including but not limited to chronic mortality impacts from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, ischemic heart disease and lung cancer. And how this gets into your framework as the methods for that are unclear.


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State transportation bond bill includes Green Line funding!

As promised, Gov. Patrick filed a $2.9 billion transportation bond bill that includes (in addition to many other projects) $700 million for legally mandated projects such as the Green Line extension that are intended to mitigate the environmental impacts of the Big Dig. The State will still seek federal funding for half the cost of the Green Line, but the good news is that the bond bill amount covers the full project cost in case federal funding doesn’t appear. A good day for Somerville!
Boston Herald: “$2.9B eyed for roads, rails”
Boston Globe: “$2.9 billion bond bill would fix bridges, improve mass transit”


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