Media coverage of Gov. Patrick’s Green Line support

Boston Herald: "Gov reverses decision on Green Line" "Only weeks after his administration announced it would delay a plan to extend the MBTA's Green Line to Union Square in Somerville and Medford Hills by two years so that it could seek federal funding, Gov. Deval Patrick backtracked yesterday, saying the state would pay for whatever the federal government doesn't, in order…

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Gov. Patrick visits Somerville, reiterates commitment to Green Line extensions

Deval Patrick

It was a good day for the Green Line extensions! Gov. Deval Patrick visited Gilman Square today to talk about the state’s commitment to this important project. In his statement, he said, “The Green Line extension is an important project and I am here to affirm my 100% commitment to seeing that it gets built and gets built while I am in office.” When pressed on the timeline, he said he hopes to have the work done by 2014.
Regarding the still uncertain project funding, Sec. Cohen said that full funding for the project will be in the next transportation bond bill; in parallel the state will seek New Starts federal funding.
Gov. Patrick also listed steps already taken to get the project underway:
– VHB has been hired and its initial task is to find ways to expedite the regulatory and permitting process.
– The state will give the MBTA funds to begin designing new Green Line cars now, because it takes a long time to create custom cars.
– Mass Highway has already completed the necessary aerial survey for the project.
– A Community Advisory Group has been selected to provide feedback and oversight throughout the project; it starts meeting monthly on Oct 25.
Keep reading for more quotes and a video.


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VHB selected for Green Line environmental impact report

The state's Executive Office of Transportation (EOT) has chosen VHB/Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. to develop a Conceptual Engineering and Draft Environmental Impact Report for this project. VHB conducted a study relating to the Green Line extension in 2005. According to VHB, the project "is focused on finalizing the best route and station locations for the light rail service. It will examine…

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Video of state hearing on Green Line and other commitments

On September 6 the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) held two public meetings on the Executive Office of Transportation's (EOT) status report on the Green Line extensions and other SIP commitments. This is a video of the 1:00 hearing, where many Somerville residents spoke out for the Green Line. Click the arrow to begin the video. (Requires QuickTime.)

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STEP meeting

Topics included Green Line updates and the DEP hearings, the STEP fundraiser, and East Somerville initiatives. Meeting notes (PDF)

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MBTA Rider Oversight Committee’s comments on Green Line

The MBTA Rider Oversight Committee strongly commends the progress EOT is making with regard to many of the remaining six SIP transit commitments but is dismayed at the continued disarray in Massachusetts transit project planning, financing and implementation. This disarray is exemplified by yet another significant schedule slip, recently suggested by Governor Patrick and EOT, for the Green Line Extension which is the single remaining SIP transit commitment that contains most of the combined environmental benefits.


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