Transportation Finance Commission recommendations

The Massachusetts Transportation Finance Commission released its long-overdue and important recommendations for fixing the state transportation financial mess - i.e., how to fund the $20 billion or so shortfall identified in its prior report. It recommends a total of $21.18 billion in savings and/or new funds: - Gas tax increase of 11.5 cents per gallon ($10.5 billion) - Road user fees…

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State Rep. Carl Sciortino’s testimony on Green Line

This project has a long history of delays and broken promises. In December, 2004, before I was even sworn into office, I joined hundreds of residents in fighting plans by the prior administration to back out on the green line project altogether. Shortly thereafter, the administration promised the project was still a priority, and restated its commitment to the project.
Since that time, the legislative delegation for Medford and Somerville has continually met with staff in the Executive Office of Transportation. We persisted in demanding information, timelines, funding plans, and benchmarks to be monitored and adhered to. I want to share a few highlights from our efforts.


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Press coverage of Green Line hearing

Somerville Journal: “Angry Somerville residents rail against Green Line extension delays”
Boston Herald: “Somerville fumes at Patrick for Green Line extend stall”
“Tens of thousands of residents of Somerville and Medford are tired of minced words and broken promises,” Somerville Mayor Joseph Curtatone said yesterday. “Our patience is at an end.”
Weekly Dig: “Green Line extension hearing obstacle course”
Tufts Daily: “Possible delays in Green Line extension irk local officials”


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State updates status report with potential Green Line delay

At today's Green Line hearing, the Executive Office of Transportation (EOT) announced that it had sent an amendment to the annual status report on the Green Line to DEP, indicatng that an application for federal New Starts funding could mean the project would not be completed by December 2014. Many people from Somerville were there to state this additional delay is…

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Conservation Law Foundation’s comments on Green Line

"Timely completion of the Green Line Extension is vital to achieve the air quality requirements of the Clean Air Act and to comply with the revised SIP. CLF strongly objects to any postponement of this project and urges the Department of Environmental Protection (“DEP”) and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to require the Executive Office of Transportation (“EOT”) to comply with the…

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STEP Op Ed: Somerville will be Green, Assembly Square will be Orange, but sooner is better than later and we sure could use your help

Act Now!

As you may have heard we have hit a few bumps in the road with the Green Line and the Orange Line. Our Governor and his Executive Office of Transportation have suddenly suggested that the Federal government “might pick up” half the tab for the Green Line, with the possibility of an additional two year delay. And it is unclear how the Assembly Square Orange Line T-stop will be Federally reviewed, though the money is available, or if there is the will to open it before 2013.
But we can get over these potholes with a concerted effort at critical meetings in Somerville and Boston, next Tuesday and Thursday, September 4th and 6th. The first meeting will focus on Assembly Square (IKEA and Assembly Square Drive), the second will take up the State Implementation Plan transit commitments (including Green Line progress). The only hitch is, we need help again from everyone willing to pitch in. No experience required, just a little heart.


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