Petition: Extend Green Line to Route 16

The Medford Green Line Neighborhood Alliance (MGNA) has initiated a petition drive to ask that the Massachusetts Executive Office of Transportation (MEOT) enlarge a target area it will study over the coming year to determine the feasibility of extending the Green Line into Medford. As you may know, that area now ends just beyond Tufts. Over the past nine months MGNA…

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Boston Globe: Green Line extension support

“Interest high in T line extension”
For a project that won’t be up and running for at least another eight years, the proposed extension of the MBTA’s Green Line from Lechmere can sure draw a crowd.
More than 200 residents of Somerville and Medford turned out for a meeting on Monday that signified the launch of an environmental review of the undertaking, which would extend trolley service to the Medford hillside.


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Medford Transcript: Green Line reaction

"Everyone on board" "A recent announcement for plans to extend the Green Line into Somerville and the Hillside area of Medford has been greeted favorably by many, unlike last year when designs for the line to reach West Medford were met with a chorus of no's....Mayor Michael J. McGlynn, along with city councilors and neighborhood organizations, are asking the MBTA to…

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Assembly Square settlement means progress on Orange Line stop

IKEA, developer Federal Realty Investment Trust, and the Mystic View Task Force signed an agreement aimed at creating a transit-oriented, mixed-use development in and around Assembly Square. Federal Realty and IKEA promised $15 million towards an Orange Line stop. In addition, $25 million from the federal government has already been earmarked for the station, which is expected to cost $40 million.…

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Green Line environmental planning meeting

Hundreds came to Somerville High School’s Auditorium tonight to learn about the status of the Green Line extensions and the environmental review process that is just beginning. The Massachusetts Environmental Policy Act office is currently determining the scope of the review process, and you can give input until November 9. Learn what you can do to help.
Mayor Joe Curtatone called this meeting “an encouraging and exciting step forward” and said, “We’ve come a long way but we still have miles to go.” He announced that a Citizens Advisory Committee will be formed for the Green Line extensions.
The overall schedule:
– The Single Environmental Impact Review is targeted to be approved to proceed in May 2007
– Preliminary design will be complete November 2008
– Final design will be complete May 2011
– Construction will start November 2011
– Green Line service will open December 2014
Download the presentation (3MB PDF)
Green Line environmental planning meeting


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