Somerville gets $1.8M for transportation plan

  • Post category:Green Line

Somerville will receive $1.8 million in federal funding to complete a comprehensive citywide transportation plan and capitalize on the six new Green Line stations. “This federal funding will help the City of Somerville as it prepares for the Green Line, increasing the resources available to implement a thoughtful approach to transit oriented development planning,” said Congressman Mike Capuano.
Somerville Journal press release: “Somerville receives $1.8M HUD grant for Green Line planning”
Monica Lamboy, the Director of Somerville’s Office of Special Plans and Community Development, said the next step for much of what the City intends to do with this grant money involves community engagement. “We need to get input from the people who live near where the new stations will be in order to put together a plan that emphasizes the best of what Somerville has to offer,” she said.